The Power of Voice-Controlled, Full-Spectrum Lights - Beyond Home Theater


The Power of Voice-Controlled, Full-Spectrum Lights

Create the Right Ambiance for Every Occasion with Lutron Lighting

At Beyond Home Theater, we’ve long been fans of the Savant home automation system. Its programmability allows us to customize smart home solutions for every type of home, including large estates that require considerable personalization.

When this powerhouse is combined with Lutron, the world leader in lighting control, remarkable transformations occur in our client’s homes throughout Santa Monica, CA, and the greater Los Angeles area.

One example is the ability to integrate voice-controlled lights. Let’s explore what you can do with these voice-controlled lights and how they can make your home both beautiful and easy to manage.

SEE ALSO: 3 Fun Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Dedicated Home Theater

Choosing the Right Color Temperature

Color temperature is measured in units of Kelvin (K). When the sun is bright in the midday sky, it might be 6000K. When it’s setting on the western horizon in warm amber hues, it may register at about 2500K or lower. Residential lights typically fall between 2500K and 5000K.

The lower range emits the warm light ideal for ambient lighting and bedrooms designed for relaxation. The higher range emits the bright, bluish light best for task lighting and spaces like your office. Voice controlled lights make it easy to adjust this temperature throughout the day to match your needs.

Setting the Mood

In the not-too-distant past, our choices in home lighting fell between bright or soft white. Ketra by Lutron changed that. Their four-channel tunable LED system is composed of the primary colors: red, green, and blue. When combined in equal parts, they create white light. When combined in varying degrees, they create every color in the visible light spectrum, producing lights in the 1,400K to 10,000K range.

What this means to homeowners and designers is an immeasurable palette of colors at their disposal, setting the mood for every occasion and every space.

When it’s time to gather for dinner with friends and family, you can set the lights in the kitchen and dining area to the color of golden candlelight. A splash of indigo light can transform a wall when it’s party time, and varying hues can highlight architectural features.

If you’re enjoying an outdoor area, overhead lights can transform into the color of stars, while wall sconces can take on the hue of flames. Pathway lights can help lead the way in the dark with every color in the rainbow. Your imagination is now your only limit.

Taking Control

Controlling all of these lights may seem like a Herculean task. However, when combined with Savant, it’s as easy as asking. Savant partners with several voice assistants, including Alexa, Google, and Simply ask them to tune the lights into the preset scenes for “Entertainment,” “Dinner,” or “Outdoor Event,” and it’s done.

“Alexa, turn the lights on in the bathroom to soft lilac and play the waterfall nature playlist.” Can you feel your shoulders relaxing already?

Of course, Savant makes it easy to control all aspects of your smart home with multiple devices, including touchscreens, keypads, and the Pro Remote X2, which features a voice control option.

At Beyond Home Theater, we’ve been working with the finest artisans, designers, and technicians since 2004, creating automated homes and lighting control systems that rival the finest in the world. We stand by our installations with a two-year full warranty—the longest warranty available in the U.S. To learn more about home automation or to schedule a complimentary consultation, contact Beyond Home Theater today.

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